Fiction reviews

Although I aim to try to keep the names of novels by a single author in alphabetical order, sometimes when they belong to series, I list them in chronological order instead.

Adams, Richard
Watership Down

Aiken, Joan
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase

Alameddine, Rabih
An Unnecessary Woman

Albus, Kate
Nothing Else But Miracles

Alcott, Louisa May
Little Women
Good Wives
An Old Fashioned Girl

Andrews, Mesu
In the Shadow of Jezebel
The Pharoah's Daughter

Ashley, Melissa
The Birdman's Wife

Bach, Richard

Baker, Jo

Barrie, J.M.
Peter Pan

Barrows, Annie

Bauer, Michael Gerard
Ishmael and the Hoops of Steel

Baum, L. Frank
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Baxter Campbell, Anne
Marcus Varitor - Centurion

Bemelmans, Ludwig

Benton, Lori
Burning Sky

Berry, Wendell
Hannah Coulter

Bews, Amanda
Heaven Sent

Blackmore, D. J.
Charter to Redemption

Borton, Elizabeth

Braithwaite, E.R.
To Sir, With Love

Bronte, Anne
The Professor

Bronte, Emily
Wuthering Heights

Brooks, Geraldine

Brown, Carole
The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman

Brown, Sharon Garlough
Sensible Shoes
Two Steps Forward

Buck, Pearl S

Burke, E. E. 
Burnett, Frances Hodgson

Bunyan, John
The Burglar's Christmas (short story)

Chalmers, Margaret Piper

Chesterton, G.K.

Christie, Agatha

Also check Westmacott, Mary

Clarke, Susanna
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Clines, Peter
The Fold

Coles, Melanie

Collodi, Carlo

Comer, Valerie
Raspberries and Vinegar
Wild Mint Tea

Coolidge, Susan

Cooper, J. A. 

Costain, Thomas B

Courtenay, Bryce
Matthew Flinders' Cat

Crandall, Dawn
The Captive Imposter

Currie, Christopher
Clancy of the Undertow

Dalton, Trent
Boy Swallows Universe

Deed, Amanda

Dickens, Charles
A Christmas Carol

Dickens, Monica
The Happy Prisoner

Dickerson, Melanie
The Silent Songbird

Diffenbaugh, Vanessa
The Language of Flowers

Dodge, Mary Mapes

Douglas, Lloyd C
The Lifted Veil

Enger, Leif 

Farmer, Penelope

Finney, Jack
Time and Again

Fish, Susan
Seeker of Stars

Fitzpatrick, Huntley
My Life Next Door
The Boy Most Likely To

Gaarder, Jostein

Gallico, Paul

Gardam, Jane

Garnett, Eve

Godden, Rumer

Goff, Sara
I Always Cry at Weddings

Goodin, Maria

Goudge, Elizabeth
I Saw Three Ships (Christmas Novella)

Grahame, Kenneth
The Wind in the Willows

Gray, Shelley
Deception at Sable Hill

Gray, Tammy L
My Hope Next Door

Greene, Graham
Travels with my Aunt

Griep, Michelle
A Heart Deceived

Grigg, Andrea
Too Pretty

Grimm, S.D.
Scarlet Moon

Haddon, Mark
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time

Haig, Matt
How to Stop Time

Hardy, Thomas
Under the Greenwood Tree

Hawke, Rosanne
The Truth about Peacock Blue

Hawkes, Nick
The Celtic Stone

Hayman, Rebecca
Career Advice for the Lost Soul

Hebert, J, J

Hedlund, Jodie
Love Unexpected
Out of the Storm
Luther and Katharina

Heitzmann, Kristen

Hemingway, Ernest
The Old Man and the Sea

Hill, Melissa
A Gift to Remember

Hillman, Pam
Claiming Mariah

Hitchcock, Bonnie-Sue
The Smell of Other People's Houses

Hogan, Mirren, et al
Like a Girl
Tied in Pink

Honeyman, Gail
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine

Hooper, Elise
The Other Alcott

Hornby, Nick
How to be Good

Housholder, David
The Blackberry Bush

Hunter, Denise
The Goodbye Bride

Hunter, Kristi Ann
A Noble Masquerade

Isaac, Kara
Can't Help Falling

Ishiguro, Kazuo
The Remains of the Day

James, E. B.
Mortal Insight

Jennings, Regina
A Most Inconvenient Marriage
At Love's Bidding
For the Record

Jones, Adele

Jordan, Marianne
The First Christmas Carol

Joyce, James

Kastner, Erich

Kent, Hannah

Kephart, Beth
One Thing Stolen 

Kingsolver, Barbara
Demon Copperhead

Kuang, Rebecca F

Latham, Jean Lee

L'Engle, Madeleine

Lelord, Francois
Hector and the Search for Happiness

Leroux, Gaston
The Phantom of the Opera

Lewis, C.S.
Till We Have Faces

Lewis, Timothy
Forever Friday

Lindsay, Norman
The Magic Pudding

Lively, Penelope

Llewellyn, Richard
How Green Was My Valley

Locke, Thomas

Lodge, Hillary Manton
A Table by the Window

Lorraine, Nola

Love, Dorothy
The Bracelet

Lubker, Luv

Martel, Yann

Mattioli, Grace
The Bird that Sang in Color

Mayhew, Julie
Mother Tongue

McArthur, Michal Ann
Choking on a Camel 

McGee, Krista

McHenry, Jael
The Kitchen Daughter

McIntosh, Fiona
The Chocolate Tin

McKinnon, Peter
The Songs of Jesse Adams

Melville, Herman
Moby Dick

Miller, Carolyn
The Elusive Miss Ellison

Miller, Judith
The Brickmaker's Bride

Miller, Serena B
Under a Blackberry Moon

Milne, A.A.
The Complete Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

Mitchell, Margaret

Moffitt, Virginia May
Pollyanna of Magic Valley

Montgomery, L.M.

Naipaul, V.S. 

Nesbit, Edith

Norton, Mary

Gift of the Magi (short story)

Overend, Sunni

Parry, H. G. 
The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep

Pearce, Philippa
Tom's Midnight Garden

Perry, Sarah
The Essex Serpent

Phoenix, Michele
Of Stillness and Storm

Pittmann, Allison
All for a Story

Porter, Eleanor H

Also check further Pollyanna series by other authors
Harriet Lummis Smith, Elizabeth Borton

Potok, Chaim
My Name is Asher Lev

Preston, Carol
Next of Kin

Proulx, E. Annie

Quinn, Kate

Rhys, Jean

Simonson, Helen

Smith, Harriet Lummis

Spence, Eleanor

Steinbeck, John
The Grapes of Wrath

Stevenson, Dorothy Emily
Miss Buncle's Book

Stevenson, Robert Louis
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Stewart, Mary
My Brother Michael

Stockett, Kathryn
The Help

Stow, Randolph

Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Uncle Tom's Cabin

Streatfeild, Noel

Stringer, Lynne
Once Confronted

St. John, Patricia
Treasures of the Snow

Tatlock, Ann
Sweet Mercy

Taylor, Laini
Strange the Dreamer

Thackeray, William Makepeace
Vanity Fair

Thiele, Colin
Sun on the Stubble

Thomas, Sarah Loudin
Miracle in a Dry Season
Until the Harvest
A Tapestry of Secrets

Thomson, Cindy
Annie's Stories

Tolkien, J.R.R.

Towles, Amor

Trollope, Anthony
Orley Farm

Trollope, Joanna
Brother and Sister

Twain, Mark

Undset, Sigrid

Uttley, Alison
A Traveller in Time

Vallance, Jess
The Yellow Room

Venkatraman, Padma
Climbing the Stairs

Vermilye, Alan

Vickers, Salley
Miss Garnet's Angel

Volk, Valerie

Von Arnim, Elizabeth
The Enchanted April

Watson, Jan
Buttermilk Sky

Webster, Jean
Daddy Long-Legs

Weerakoon, Patricia
Empire's Children

Weir, Andy
The Martian

West, Rebecca
The Fountain Overflows

Westmacott, Mary

Williams, Heather

Willis, Connie
To Say Nothing of the Dog

Wingate, Lisa
The Prayer Box

Witemeyer, Karen
Full Steam Ahead
No Other Will Do

Wolfe, Suzanne M
The Confessions of X

Yttrup, Ginny

Zusak, Markus
The Book Thief 
Bridge of Clay

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