Non Fiction reviews

Altrogge, Stephen

The Greener Grass Conspiracy 

Anderson, Jeff
Divine Applause 

Austin, Lynn

Benson, Robert
Dancing on the Head of a Pen 

Blue, Debbie
Consider the Birds 

Bonner, Barbara
Inspiring Generosity 

Brock, Jared
A Year of Living Prayerfully 

Burkeman, Oliver

Burton, Valerie
Happy Women Live Better 

Chesterton, G.K
A Piece of Chalk

Cleantis, Tracey
The Next Happy 

Craker, Lorilee
Anne of Green Gables, My Daughter, and Me 

Cron, Ian Morgan (with Suzanne Stabile)
The Road Back to You

Dabaghian, Karen
Travelogue of the Interior 

Dahl, Roald
Going Solo

Dale, Melanie
It's Not Fair

David, Marc
The Slow Down Diet 

Davis, Susie

de Botton, Alain
Status Anxiety

Dinan, Kim
The Yellow Envelope

Dispenza, Joe
You are the Placebo 

Erre, Mike

Feldhahn, Shaunti
The Kindness Challenge

Fitzpatrick, Elyse
Good News for Weary Women 

Frankl, Viktor E
Man's Search for Meaning

Fraser, Caroline
Prairie Fires

Freeman, Emily
A Million Litte Ways 
Grace for the Good Girl 
Simply Tuesday 

Gabienu, William
Grabbing your Destiny by the Horns 

Gerald, Kevin
Good Things 

Gianni, Kevin
Kale and Coffee 

Gilbert, Elizabeth
Big Magic 

Gray, Bonnie
Finding Spiritual White Space 

Hadfield, Chris
An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth 

Hagerty, Sara

Hansen, Brant
Blessed are the Misfits

Harper, Lisa
The Sacrament of Happy

Hickman, Lisa Nichols
Mercy and Melons 

Holland, Vyvyan
Son of Oscar Wilde

Hollingsworth, Paula
The Spirituality of Jane Austen

Idleman, Kyle
The End of Me 

Jacobson, Don
It's a God Thing 

Kelley, Josh
Radically Normal 

Kline, Monte
Face to Face 

Knisely, Matt
Framing Faith 

Kriz, Tony

Leaf, Dr Caroline
Think and Eat Yourself Smart 

Leaming, Linda
A Field Guide to Happiness 

Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
Gift from the Sea

Lomas, David
The Truest Thing about You 

MacDonald, Gordon
Ordering Your Private World 

Mahany, Barbara
Slowing Time 

McLaughlin, David
No Ordinary People 

Mead, Rebecca
My Life in Middlemarch 

Merritt, Dennis
The Art of Abundance

Miller, Sharon Hodde
Free of Me

Moffic, Rabbi Evan
What Every Christian needs to know about Passover 

Moore, Linda McCullough
The Book of Not So Common Prayer 

Morrison, Erika

Ortberg, John
Soul Keeping 

Pastor, Paul J.
The Face of the Deep 

Pooley, Rhonda
Cambodian Harvest 

Rankin, Dr Lissa
The Fear Cure 

Rath, Tom
Eat, Move, Sleep 

Ridge, Rachel Anne

Rubin, Gretchen
The Happiness Project 
Life in Five Senses

Schaper, Donna
Prayers for People who say they Can't Pray 

Short, Laurie Polich
When Changing Nothing Changes Everything

Steward, Mandy
Thrashing about with God 

Tirabassi, Becky
Let God Talk to You 

Thoreau, Henry David

Turner, John Alan
Crazy Stories, Sane God 

Valente, Judith
Atchison Blue 

Van Sloten, John
Every Job a Parable

Vincent, Kristen E
A Bead and a Prayer 

Warren, Tish Harrison
Liturgy of the Ordinary

Wilder, Laura Ingalls
West From Home

Wyma, Kay Wills
I'm Happy For You ... Sort of 

Yankoski, Michael
The Sacred Year 


  1. Hi Paula,

    You may not remember me, but we met at the Word Conference in Brisbane a few years back. My memoir
    'Heaven Tempers the Wind. Story of a War Child' is hot off the press. Armour Books will be delighted to send out a Review Copy to you if you let them have your address. Please help me! Please could you send your address to Armour Books. You know the publisher, Anne Hamilton. Her e-mail is:
    Thank you and God Bless.

  2. Dear Paula,
    I've not yet had the pleasure of visiting South Australia, though I have been graced with visiting Melbourne twice, including a 2 day jaunt through the Victorian Alps on Horseback. I would like to ask if you would do me the favour of reviewing my new NonFiction Book, "HORSES OF EUROPE FROM BEFORE TO BEYOND, A Concise History of the Migration of Man's Best Traveling Companion." I'm a new author, under the name of Anna B Joachim on Amazon's KDP and I've only a handful of reviews on it, thusfar. The kindle edition is currently FREE on Amazon, through March 5th, EST. I would be grateful if you may give it a lookthrough and offer your honest opinion/review of it. Thanks so much for your consideration. Best Regards, :)Anne-Catherine

    1. Hi Anna,
      Congrats on the publication of your book. It sounds as if took lots of research. I'll look it up on Amazon, although I've been away for a few days and probably missed the freebie :)
      I'm not sure I'll be able to review it though. I haven't reviewed non-fiction here for a while and I'm snowed under with a new study course. The subject matter is out of my knowledge range too, but a few friends who are avid riders and horse lovers spring to mind. I will have a look at your book to maybe review some time down the track, and also pass the recommendation on to them.
